Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A bad week for the Obama Regime

Several scandals are coming out at the same time. Creating a buzz that made even the main stream media to react.

The first scandal happened in September of 2012 in Benghazi. The Obama Regime blamed the attacks at the US Consulate on a youtube video, and the allegations that the attacks were driven by an anti-muslim video that nobody saw were proven to be false. The attacks were caused by terrorists groups, and the regime is being accused of not defending the consulate and eventually 4 dead americans.

The IRS has been threatening conservative groups that apply for tax exempt status. Over 30 conservative groups have been intimidated by the IRS over their tax exempt status, and further than that, private information from conservative groups were given to a liberal group called ProPublica, a totally illegal operation, abuse of power, favoring the democrat party.

The DOJ has been spying on state-controlled reporters from AP, spying on their phone calls, professional and private. Without any judicial order, just for the act of finding out what they know and react toward the Obama Regime.

The Obama Government has an inclination for controlling everything, but this will to control has gone over the top, and it’s begging to threat his own administration.