Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Sequester Hysteria

The White House and Media have gone wild over the Sequester situation, which is $85 billion short of what The Federal Government wants to spend.

This whole situation shows how out of touch this administration is with the real problems that America faces, which is a growing debt in a pace never imagined before, $1 trillion per year has been added to The National Debt for the past 5 years, and all they talk about is how bad it is to cut $85 billion, they are kicking the can down the road, someone will have to pay for the debt that is about to reach $17 trillion.

The Fed is printing $85 billion per month and massive inflation is on the way. The media is helping to hide all the huge problems that this Great Nation faces. They should be checking what The Government is doing wrong and not protecting them no matter what. It’s time for The Obama administration stops campaigning and try to solve the real problems.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reaganism vs. Obamaism

Ronald Reagan transformed America. Obama is doing the same, but in a different way than Reagan.

Ronald Reagan succeeded Jimmy Carter and the economy was not doing well at the time. Massive inflation, high unemployment rate and a disastrous military operation in Iran were the results of Carter’s presidency. In his first speech as President, Ronald Reagan said: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

During his first term as President, Reagan cut government and lowered taxes, having as an economic adviser Arthur Laffer who created  “The Laffer Curve”, which states that high taxes are an economy killer that results in high unemployment rate and poverty. During Reagan’s first term the economy started to grow again and the unemployment rate decreased significantly. As a result of his policies, Reagan got reelected by a huge margin; he won in 49 states, losing only in The District of Columbia and Minnesota.

During Obama’s first term he grew the Government in more than 30% and increased the debt in $6 trillion, more than the 8 years of George W. Bush Presidency. He also increased the Government’s role in the economy which now accounts for over 40% of the GDP.

In Obama’s world the Government is the solution for everything. Reagan had a different point of view which was small government; low taxes rates, more freedom for individuals.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Importance of The Tea Party

After The 2012 Election The Republican Party was looking for answers, and they jumped into conclusions that are not good for the party and America. The Republican establishment started thinking that conservatism was a problem and Americans don’t get attracted by conservative ideas anymore, and The Tea Party was making the GOP to look bad.

The Tea Party is actually the last hope of this country, to keep alive the core principles of America which were laid down by The Constitution. The 2012 Election wasn’t lost because of Conservatism, it was lost because there weren’t enough conservative messages delivered by Mitt Romney making millions of registered Republicans to stay home and not vote.

The battle between The Republican Establishment and The Tea Party will continue and in the end The Tea Party will win because they delivery honest messages, reality, and they have found strength through their Congressmen and Senators such as Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. They led to a huge Republican win in The 2010 Election that The Republican Party seems to ignore or even forget. The Republicans will need to embrace The Tea Party because without them they will not be able to win The Senate next year and get back to The White House in 2016; The Tea Party recognizes that it is not fair to leave for future generations a debt that is projected to reach $20 trillion in 2016. That’s why The Tea Party is so important, they never quite or give in on their idealism, the one that has led this nation to become the greatest country in the history of mankind

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Conservatism and the Pursuit of Happiness

The best way to pursuit happiness is by being free and that’s what the Conservative Movement is all about. It’s about empowering individuals by getting government out of their way. The State can get in the path of people’s liberties through excessive regulations, laws and high taxes, making it hard for the private sector to grow. You know what’s better for your life than some Government’s bureaucrats do.

Here is how The Pursuit of Happiness was first described by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Conservatives don’t see people by groups such as: Whites, Latinos, Jews. But as individuals, it doesn’t matter the color of your skin, sexual orientation or religion, but who you are as an individual, as a person. Conservatives want you to be the best you wish to be.

The left always complains that the taxes aren’t high enough, that the rich aren’t paying their fair share, and then they victimize people, saying that they can’t take care of themselves. Who are they to think that they are better than everybody else? After passing into law all the regulations and high taxes they want, the people who gets hit the most aren’t the very rich but the middle class and the poor, because those high taxes hit small businesses very hard and make them lay off their employees. Maybe it’s the Government’s tactics to keep people thinking that they are the solution. Government isn’t the solution, Government is the problem.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why is Freedom such a hard sell?

Freedom has a lot of meanings, but the one being discussed a lot lately is Economic Freedom.

The ability of people being able to make several choices for their lives come from being economic free. It sounds attractive, doesn’t it? Not anymore, because the wiliness to be free also brings responsibilities such as being self reliant and responding for yourself. Lots of people are choosing the “easy way” which is getting checks from the Government.

Freedom isn’t free, meaning that people have to work hard to achieve their dreams and goals in life, by finding a good job or even building a small business, which requires hard work. Successful hasn’t been seeing as an achievement anymore but as like successful people has stolen from society, and they should pay it back through extremely high taxes, also called “fair share”.  No matter how high taxes are The Government still running a huge debt caused by excess spending and a Gigantic Welfare State which runs more than a hundred programs.

The very same people who don’t believe in Freedom are putting the future of this country in jeopardy, because as Milton Friedman once said, there’s no free lunch.