Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Sequester Hysteria

The White House and Media have gone wild over the Sequester situation, which is $85 billion short of what The Federal Government wants to spend.

This whole situation shows how out of touch this administration is with the real problems that America faces, which is a growing debt in a pace never imagined before, $1 trillion per year has been added to The National Debt for the past 5 years, and all they talk about is how bad it is to cut $85 billion, they are kicking the can down the road, someone will have to pay for the debt that is about to reach $17 trillion.

The Fed is printing $85 billion per month and massive inflation is on the way. The media is helping to hide all the huge problems that this Great Nation faces. They should be checking what The Government is doing wrong and not protecting them no matter what. It’s time for The Obama administration stops campaigning and try to solve the real problems.

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