Sunday, March 10, 2013

How to Irritate a Liberal

1.     Drive an SUV. (Liberals believe in man-made Global Warming)

2.     Know The Constitution. (Liberals believe that it is just an old document)

3.     Buy a Cheeseburger to your kid. (Liberals believe that The Government should tell what your children should eat)

4.     Defend the 2nd Amendment. (Liberals believe that the 2nd Amendment was written for hunters only)

5.     Suggest that the Government should be small and not big.

6.     Say that the wealthy works hard for their money. (Liberals argue that the wealthy got rich by stealing from everybody else)

7.     Tell them that you don’t have a problem with Coal Energy.

8.     Shop at Walmart (Big Corporation)

9.     Say that the Rich shouldn’t pay such high taxes.

10.   Say that Capitalism is the best Economic System ever created.

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