Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A bad week for the Obama Regime

Several scandals are coming out at the same time. Creating a buzz that made even the main stream media to react.

The first scandal happened in September of 2012 in Benghazi. The Obama Regime blamed the attacks at the US Consulate on a youtube video, and the allegations that the attacks were driven by an anti-muslim video that nobody saw were proven to be false. The attacks were caused by terrorists groups, and the regime is being accused of not defending the consulate and eventually 4 dead americans.

The IRS has been threatening conservative groups that apply for tax exempt status. Over 30 conservative groups have been intimidated by the IRS over their tax exempt status, and further than that, private information from conservative groups were given to a liberal group called ProPublica, a totally illegal operation, abuse of power, favoring the democrat party.

The DOJ has been spying on state-controlled reporters from AP, spying on their phone calls, professional and private. Without any judicial order, just for the act of finding out what they know and react toward the Obama Regime.

The Obama Government has an inclination for controlling everything, but this will to control has gone over the top, and it’s begging to threat his own administration. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Peace through Strength

The desire to achieve peace is shared by most countries in the world including America. Unfortunately there are those who prevail in breaking the peace every once in a while.

Some argue that the best way to bring peace is by doing nothing, not fighting back those who harmed you, not speaking against those who killed your people. And those pacifists always bring the example of Gandhi who refused to fight against Great Britain and avoided a war.

The example of Gandhi is nothing less than utopia in today’s world. The warriors of today fight for something beyond one’s imagination and probably even theirs, they fight for religion, they fight against Freedom, these people don’t tolerate freedom and that’s the main reason why they target America which is the first free country in the history of mankind.

During the Cold War, America elected one of its greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan. He understood that in order to bring peace and eventually end the cold war, America needed to get military stronger, and so he did by creating the Strategic Defense Initiative, also known as “Star Wars”. This program was a missile defense system that wouldn’t allow a Russian nuclear missile to hit America. By doing that, Reagan showed the Russians that they couldn’t put up with America, and the Cold War eventually ended a few years later.

Peace through strength is the best way to avoid a war and to bring peace. And that’s why a well-armed society has a better chance to maintain its freedom. During the World War II, the Japanese government thought about invading America after Pearl Harbor, but they realized that would be a hard fight to win because almost every American citizen had a gun to defend himself and his country. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Urgent Need for Tax Reform

This year marks the centennial of the federal income tax. The IRS and its tax code have been a burden to the American People, not only financially, but hard to understand, and deal with as well. The Federal Income Tax Code has over 70,000 pages in regulations making the people of this country to spend 6 billion hours a year to pay their taxes.

Some members of Congress are trying to make the federal income tax flat. Since the current Administration likes to use the expression “Fair Share” to define income tax, nothing would be fairer than a flat tax. 15 countries around the World have adopted the Flat Tax system. This tax system brings the same income tax rate for all, and simplicity as well.

Some other countries don’t have flat tax, but they do have a much simpler tax code than America does, making it easier to do business, and not having to worry about 70,000 pages that can get you in trouble. It costs around $200 billion for all Americans to deal with income tax in the current code; all this money and energy to deal with taxes could be used in a more productive way to the economy.

The deductions are also complicated, and lots of people each and every year get audited and eventually in trouble for not understanding what can and cannot be deducted. Plus this code allows more political driven policies such as tax breaks for people who have solar panels on the roof of their houses, and other green energy useless stuff.

It’s about time for a Tax Reform, in a way that Americans can feel totally free to do business again. The cost of this mess in the tax code is beyond numbers, because it doesn’t count all the discouragement that it creates in the private sector.

The actual Federal Income Tax Code is a lose-lose situation, hurting both the government and mostly the people. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is Barack Obama The American Version of Che Guevara?

Che Guevarra was an Argentine political activist who was a socialist, and his goal was “to free” Latin America from Capitalism.

Che Guevarra fought side by side with Fidel Castro before dying at the age of 39 in Bolivia. But his legacy lives on with the lefties around the world. And it is fair to say that he became a hero, a myth not only for the communists, but also for teenagers who wear Che Guevarra’s shirts just for the fact that it looks cool. And most of those people have only good things to say about him knowing very little or even nothing about this man.

Barack Obama’s been The President of The United States of America since 2009, and all the bad things that have happened since then is George W. Bush’s fault through the eyes of his supporters and the main stream media. The people who like Barack Obama don’t know much about his policies, and his intentions for America’s future. They just like Obama because again it is cool to like him.

One can argue that the world has changed, that nowadays the society praises, freedom without virtue, leadership without character, and education without meaning. The new generation has a distorted vision of what Freedom really means, and by doing so, they distance themselves from the very tradition that has built America.

Che Guevarra is the symbol of the left, so is Barack Obama. Their agenda are similar.  Anti-capitalism, and victimization of people, making them believe that whatever failure they had in life, it’s somebody else’s fault, not theirs. 

Unfortunately The Political Left is dominating the whole world except Israel and a few other countries, and only events can turn this around. It has already started, look at the Economic Disaster that the Left has created in Cyprus.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cyprus, The Tip of The Iceberg

Through the last weeks Cyprus has declared its horrible economic situation. And it has proposed some radical measures to balance the Government’s budget.

One of the measures that the Cyprus Government wants to make is a deposit tax and some others taxation, driving the people to run to the banks. Many are outrageous with the Cyprus measures, and some others are saying that it is just the beginning of the fall of the European Union.

The outrageous about Cyprus is an indicator that part of the American People are not aware that the same calamity is going on in America.

For every dollar that the Government spends that they don’t have it, the people will pay for it, through tax increases, inflation, and passing down the debt to future generations. While Cyprus is finding ways to invade people’s bank accounts, in America they are doing it through massive inflation, because the FED is monetizing the Debt and printing money that they don’t have. It’s a mistake to think that the American Economy is growing, there isn’t growth. The Government is borrowing money and spending it. There is an economic retraction going on and not growth.

The Government says that inflation is around 1% a year, but serious economic studies shows that the inflation is higher than 5% a year and it’s trending to get even higher.

While the World is focusing in a small island, a greater economic calamity is happening in America, and the media wouldn’t bother to tell anybody about it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Causes of High Gas Prices

The Main Stream Media and the Current Administration in Washington, D.C. want the people to believe that The White House has nothing to do with high gas prices.

When Obama took office the average gas prices were below $2.00/gallon, since then it has always been going up. Why the prices are above $3.50/gallon?

First of all, the current Administration is a big believer of man-made Global Warming and by doing so, they punish oil producers. They want the so called “Green Cars” to succeed such as the Chevy Volt, even though the process of manufacturing these cars produce more carbon monoxide than the regular cars do.

When Gas Prices go up, everything else trends to raise their prices as well, starting with groceries.

The irresponsible act of excessive Federal Regulation for oil drilling is hurting an already bad economy. Most of the drilling is being made in private land because The Federal Government is doing everything in their power to stop drilling in Federal Land, meanwhile families are being hurt across America by paying more for their groceries and to pump gas into their cars.

New discoveries put America as the country with the largest oil reserve on earth, with more oil than Saudi Arabia or any other country. Huge amounts of oil reserves have been discovered in North Dakota.

The oil that sits in North Dakota is a kind of oil known by the name of “Shale Oil” and the process to pump this oil is known as “fracking”. The “environmental wackos” are already attacking the fracking business, they don’t care that fracking is creating jobs and energizing the economy. All they care about is their power.

It’s time for more drilling in Federal Land, offshore,etc. But under the current administration this though is nothing more than a dream.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How to Irritate a Liberal

1.     Drive an SUV. (Liberals believe in man-made Global Warming)

2.     Know The Constitution. (Liberals believe that it is just an old document)

3.     Buy a Cheeseburger to your kid. (Liberals believe that The Government should tell what your children should eat)

4.     Defend the 2nd Amendment. (Liberals believe that the 2nd Amendment was written for hunters only)

5.     Suggest that the Government should be small and not big.

6.     Say that the wealthy works hard for their money. (Liberals argue that the wealthy got rich by stealing from everybody else)

7.     Tell them that you don’t have a problem with Coal Energy.

8.     Shop at Walmart (Big Corporation)

9.     Say that the Rich shouldn’t pay such high taxes.

10.   Say that Capitalism is the best Economic System ever created.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Trickle-Down Economics

The economic model that allows the people and market to be freer and less dependent on the Government is also known as Trickle-Down Economics.

This model is based in Economics theories created by Economists such as Nobel Prize Winners: Milton Friedman and F.A Hayek. They understood that a Small Government is better for everybody, by lowering taxes and not over regulating the market, this kind of Economics stimulate creativity, entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth.

Individuals know how to spend their money better than the Government does, therefore, when there are fewer taxes and regulations, people will be more enthusiastic to produce, create businesses and when they do so, they create jobs and opportunities for everyone. For example, one owns a jet, and by doing so, one employees a pilot, jets technicians, flight attendants and so on. This is a classic example of Trickle-Down Economics, the jet owner is the one who will provide for other peoples income, and then, these employees can figure out more ways on how to provide more for themselves, and by doing so, the economic activity flows faster than if it was ran by some bureaucrat from The Government.

When The Government taxes entrepreneurs too much, they stop hiring new employees, and the products prices go up. The sum of all of this is high unemployment rate, more debt, and more power from the Government to the people.

Letting individuals free is the best way to build a strong economy. Most of the nations that have a Small Government and low taxes grow on average more than the ones that have a Big Government.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Sequester Hysteria

The White House and Media have gone wild over the Sequester situation, which is $85 billion short of what The Federal Government wants to spend.

This whole situation shows how out of touch this administration is with the real problems that America faces, which is a growing debt in a pace never imagined before, $1 trillion per year has been added to The National Debt for the past 5 years, and all they talk about is how bad it is to cut $85 billion, they are kicking the can down the road, someone will have to pay for the debt that is about to reach $17 trillion.

The Fed is printing $85 billion per month and massive inflation is on the way. The media is helping to hide all the huge problems that this Great Nation faces. They should be checking what The Government is doing wrong and not protecting them no matter what. It’s time for The Obama administration stops campaigning and try to solve the real problems.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reaganism vs. Obamaism

Ronald Reagan transformed America. Obama is doing the same, but in a different way than Reagan.

Ronald Reagan succeeded Jimmy Carter and the economy was not doing well at the time. Massive inflation, high unemployment rate and a disastrous military operation in Iran were the results of Carter’s presidency. In his first speech as President, Ronald Reagan said: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

During his first term as President, Reagan cut government and lowered taxes, having as an economic adviser Arthur Laffer who created  “The Laffer Curve”, which states that high taxes are an economy killer that results in high unemployment rate and poverty. During Reagan’s first term the economy started to grow again and the unemployment rate decreased significantly. As a result of his policies, Reagan got reelected by a huge margin; he won in 49 states, losing only in The District of Columbia and Minnesota.

During Obama’s first term he grew the Government in more than 30% and increased the debt in $6 trillion, more than the 8 years of George W. Bush Presidency. He also increased the Government’s role in the economy which now accounts for over 40% of the GDP.

In Obama’s world the Government is the solution for everything. Reagan had a different point of view which was small government; low taxes rates, more freedom for individuals.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Importance of The Tea Party

After The 2012 Election The Republican Party was looking for answers, and they jumped into conclusions that are not good for the party and America. The Republican establishment started thinking that conservatism was a problem and Americans don’t get attracted by conservative ideas anymore, and The Tea Party was making the GOP to look bad.

The Tea Party is actually the last hope of this country, to keep alive the core principles of America which were laid down by The Constitution. The 2012 Election wasn’t lost because of Conservatism, it was lost because there weren’t enough conservative messages delivered by Mitt Romney making millions of registered Republicans to stay home and not vote.

The battle between The Republican Establishment and The Tea Party will continue and in the end The Tea Party will win because they delivery honest messages, reality, and they have found strength through their Congressmen and Senators such as Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. They led to a huge Republican win in The 2010 Election that The Republican Party seems to ignore or even forget. The Republicans will need to embrace The Tea Party because without them they will not be able to win The Senate next year and get back to The White House in 2016; The Tea Party recognizes that it is not fair to leave for future generations a debt that is projected to reach $20 trillion in 2016. That’s why The Tea Party is so important, they never quite or give in on their idealism, the one that has led this nation to become the greatest country in the history of mankind

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Conservatism and the Pursuit of Happiness

The best way to pursuit happiness is by being free and that’s what the Conservative Movement is all about. It’s about empowering individuals by getting government out of their way. The State can get in the path of people’s liberties through excessive regulations, laws and high taxes, making it hard for the private sector to grow. You know what’s better for your life than some Government’s bureaucrats do.

Here is how The Pursuit of Happiness was first described by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Conservatives don’t see people by groups such as: Whites, Latinos, Jews. But as individuals, it doesn’t matter the color of your skin, sexual orientation or religion, but who you are as an individual, as a person. Conservatives want you to be the best you wish to be.

The left always complains that the taxes aren’t high enough, that the rich aren’t paying their fair share, and then they victimize people, saying that they can’t take care of themselves. Who are they to think that they are better than everybody else? After passing into law all the regulations and high taxes they want, the people who gets hit the most aren’t the very rich but the middle class and the poor, because those high taxes hit small businesses very hard and make them lay off their employees. Maybe it’s the Government’s tactics to keep people thinking that they are the solution. Government isn’t the solution, Government is the problem.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why is Freedom such a hard sell?

Freedom has a lot of meanings, but the one being discussed a lot lately is Economic Freedom.

The ability of people being able to make several choices for their lives come from being economic free. It sounds attractive, doesn’t it? Not anymore, because the wiliness to be free also brings responsibilities such as being self reliant and responding for yourself. Lots of people are choosing the “easy way” which is getting checks from the Government.

Freedom isn’t free, meaning that people have to work hard to achieve their dreams and goals in life, by finding a good job or even building a small business, which requires hard work. Successful hasn’t been seeing as an achievement anymore but as like successful people has stolen from society, and they should pay it back through extremely high taxes, also called “fair share”.  No matter how high taxes are The Government still running a huge debt caused by excess spending and a Gigantic Welfare State which runs more than a hundred programs.

The very same people who don’t believe in Freedom are putting the future of this country in jeopardy, because as Milton Friedman once said, there’s no free lunch.